Chapel of St. Joseph the Worker (Victorias City, Negros Occidental)

The highlight of our visit to the Victorias Milling Co. (VICMICO) was the Chapel of St. Joseph the Worker, an artistic landmark in the Western Visayas that heralded the birth of Filipino religious art in the country.  This modern and futuristic  church, also called the Ossorio Chapel, was designed by New York architect Anthony Raymond (an apprentice of the great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright) and was built, on the site of the old factory, from 1948 to 1949.  Earthquake-proof, its tower and nave are connected by movable beams.

The Chapel of St. Joseph the Worker

The Chapel of St. Joseph the Worker

This Chapel, built for VMC personnel and their families, was once featured in Life Magazine (as well as Liturgical Art Magazine) as “The Church of the Angry Christ.”  It features mosaic panels formed with bits of broken bottles of soda, milk of magnesia and other colored bottles gathered by parishioners.

The chapel interior

The chapel interior

A symbol of avant garde art, it depicts the angry Christ (God the Son), with a flaming heart and seated on skulls and a serpent (which represents death), on Judgment Day with big eyes and long, outstretched hands (symbolizing His welcoming of the faithful who were called to this continual last judgment), being received by God the Father, represented by 2 huge, red-orange hands.  The Holy Spirit, represented by a descending dove with multi-colored wings, hangs above. All over the place are multi-colored angels.

The controversial mural

The controversial mural

Christ is flanked by brown-skinned Filipinized saints in native attire, standing as witness to Christ’s resurrection – St. Joseph and the St. John the Baptist on the left and Mary and St. John the Evangelist on the right.  The first Filipinism in liturgical art, its singular rendition of brown-skinned Filipinos as Catholic saints has deliberately “Filipinized” traditional Biblical themes, thus giving it a Filipino face.

Triangle with an overseeing eye

Triangle with an overseeing eye

The controversial altar mural, done in a psychedelic splash of primary colors, was also criticized in the 1950s because of its solid, vibrant colors and striking brush strokes.  It also created a stir in conservative church circles for its depiction of Jesus Christ as angry and fierce-looking, instead of a merciful and gentle god. The altar’s beam has a triangle with an overseeing eye, looking at those who are called – the faithful attending the mass.

Skylight above altar

Skylight above altar

Belgian-born American liturgical artist Adelaide “Ade” de Buthune, the Baroness of Schaerbeek, assisted by Romulo Sta. Ana, was commissioned to decorate the baptistery (depicting Christ being baptized as a Filipino), the tabernacle, the mosaic outer walls (particularly the mosaic of Joseph’s wedding to Mary) and murals at the back.

A sculpture of Benjamin VValenciano

A sculpture of Benjamin VValenciano

Local engraver Arcadio Anore executed Bethune’s designs for the brass plates decorating the pulpit, baptistery and other parts of the church. Local artist Benjamin Valenciano, a carpenter from Victorias, did the the crucifix, the Stations of the Cross and the images of Joseph and Mary, garbed as ordinary brown-skinned Filipinos.

Bell tower

Bell tower

Philippine-born American abstract expressionist Alfonso A. Ossorio, the New York-based artist son of Don Miguel Ossorio, did the mural decoration of the altar within 11 months.  Alfonso studied Fine Arts at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachussets, U.S.A.) and continued his studies at the Rhode Island School of Design. Among his friends were the famous abstract expressionist artists Jackson Pollock and Clyfford Still.

The Last Supper

The Last Supper

As painting medium, Alfonso used ethyl silicate 40, recommended to him by Ralph Mayer, a paint chemist, as appropriate for the tropics as it fghts humidity and withstands the dampness. Up to now, the murals have not been retouched and their bright colors still looks magnificent.

The Virgin Mary with the Holy Spirit

The Virgin Mary with the Holy Spirit

The front facade of the church has a mural showing three scenes from the life of St. Joseph – the marriage to Mary, the workshop at Nazareth, and the death of Joseph. There;s also the comic-like painting outside depicting “The Prodigal Son” (believed to be a pioneering work on the comics art in the Philippines) while the back of the church depicts “The Last Supper” and “The Virgin Mary with the Holy Spirit.”

The workshop at Nazareth

The workshop at Nazareth

Outside the church is a Carabao Sundial, built in December 1975 by Senior Machine Shop students of Don Bosco Institute, led by Hezekiah B. Katalbas and Vicente Gonzaga, with the assistance of VMC management.  Its horn is exaggerated to become the dial face.

The Three Kings

The Three Kings

As it features the works of world famous artists, this chapel should be protected and preserved for other generations to appreciate and, to ensure its preservation, it should be declared as a National Heritage Site or National Cultural Treasure.

The Carabao Sundial

The Carabao Sundial

Church of St. Joseph the Worker: Victorias Milling Co. (VICMICO), Victorias City, Negros Occidental.

How to Get There: Victorias City is located 34 kms. (a 45-min. bus or jeepney drive) northeast of Bacolod City.  Upon reaching the intersection of the National Highway and the road leading to VMC, hire a tricycle that goes straight to the church.

Chapel of the Cartwheels (Manapla, Negros Occidental)

From the mansion, Mark next drove us a short distance, across the field behind the Gaston Mansion, to the hacienda’s unique chapel.  Built during the hacienda days of the 1960s, it is probably the most native-looking of all Philippine churches.

Chapel of the Cartwheels

Chapel of the Cartwheels

Built by secular priest Msgr. Guillermo “Gigi” Gaston for the farm’s workers, its farming motif is reflected in its facade made mainly from various farm implements including plows, mortar (candle holders) and pestles (a holy water container), all indigenous to Hacienda Rosalia, as well as margaha sand and rocks from the nearby seashore.  The chapel’s benches were each made with slabs of hardwood by families who attended the mass.

The chapel's interior

The chapel’s interior

Its tall roof is a stylized wooden salakot (headgear) and the walls are made of artistically-linked discarded carabao cartwheels, an idea thought of by Msgr. Gaston who knew that the farm workers and their families could easily relate to this simple but widely used object in the farms where they worked.

The chapel's altar

The chapel’s altar

For him, the cartwheel also symbolizes the Holy Trinity with God the Father as the center of the wheel; Jesus Christ as the spokes surrounding it, leading the people towards God; and the the Holy Spirit as the outer rim  who ensures that the people don’t get lost on their way towards the center.

Seating area for the priest and 2 sacristans

Seating area for the priest and 2 sacristans

A huge, centuries-old boulder serves as the altar and the wall behind it is made of native stone and punctured by 3 cartwheel-shaped stained glass windows (representing God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) with broken pieces of glass bottles (wine, milk and soda) in different colors, giving the altar a more creative and lively look. Boulders were also used as the podium top and seats for the sacristans.

Stained glass window

Stained glass window

The sliding doors feature mats of 128 panels portraying Biblical events and the usual Christ on the cross is modified by a farmer crucified on a cartwheel. Masses,  attended by hacienda farm workers and their families, are still being held in the chapel. The chapel, also open to guests and tourists who visit the town, is also a popular venue for weddings.

Christ on a crucified on a cartwheel

Christ crucified on a cartwheel

Chapel of the Cartwheels: Hacienda Rosalia, Manapla, Negros Occidental.

How to Get There: Manapla is located 44.7 kms. (a 1-hour drive) northeast of Bacolod City.

Church of St. John of Sahagun (Tigbauan, Iloilo)

Just 5 kms. from Guimbal, I made my last stopover at Tigbauan where I visited its  old reddish coral and limestone church which was built, together with the convent, by Fr. Fernando Martin in 1867.  The convent was destroyed during the January 25, 1948 Lady Caycay earthquake.

Church of St. John of Sahagun

Church of St. John of Sahagun

Its facade has fine Spanish Churrigueresque stone carvings; a sustained crescendo rising from the elaborate Baroque main entrance arch (with a cherub with bent wings marking its keystone) upwards through its 3-storey height into cornice, keystones, pilaster and spandrels, prolix with whorls and scrolls following foliate and floral designs.  Its pilasters, reminiscent of Mexican estipites, are decorated with floral motifs.

The fine Spanish Churrigueresque facade

The fine Spanish Churrigueresque facade

The main entrance

The main entrance

The image of the Augustinian St. Nicolas of Tolentino, ensconced in an elaborately carved rectangular niche in the first tier, is flanked by pilasters embellished with flowers and upon it is a depiction of San Juan.

A cherub with bent wings marking the main entrance's keystone

A cherub with bent wings marking the main entrance’s keystone

The Augustinian motif

The Augustinian motif

The little image of the Holy Jesus (Sto. Nino) is on the following tier.  The finely carved Augustinian motif of the pierced heart and bishop’s hat, capping the exquisite masterwork of unknown artists, is surrounded by a retablo-like floral frieze which fills the central section.

The image of the St. Nicolas of Tolentino in an elaborately carved niche

The image of the St. Nicolas of Tolentino in an elaborately carved niche

The little image of the Holy Jesus on the following tier

The little image of the Holy Jesus on the following tier

A pair of little angles is located at the sides and floral designs rest on the base of the triangular pediment.  Behind its rectory was the first Jesuit school for boys in the Philippines established in 1592 by Fr. Pedro Chirino, S.J..

How To Get There: Tigbauan is located 22.48 kms. from Iloilo City, 4.8 kms. from Guimbal and 11.2 kms. from Oton.

Church of St. Nicolas of Tolentino (Guimbal, Iloilo)

About 20 kms. past San Joaquin and 8 kms. past Miag-ao, I again made a stopover at Guimbal where I visited its gorgeous and ornate church.  It was started by Augustinian Fr. Juan Aguado (parish priest from 1742 to 1744, 1753) using yellow sandstone/coral rock called igang quarried from Guimaras Island   Fr. Juan Campos (1769 to 1774) finished it by adding the half dome covering the segmental pediment as well as the paired columns with lintel.

The gorgeous Church of St. Nicolas of Tolentino

The gorgeous Church of St. Nicolas of Tolentino

The church was damaged during the July 13, 1787 earthquake, further enlarged in 1893 by Fr. Jose Orangren, burned in December 1895 and restored a month later by Fr. Agustin Llorente (who also built the current bell tower).  It was  also seriously damaged during the Japanese Occupation and the January 25, 1948 Lady Caycay earthquake.

Rosettes on the main entrance arch

Rosettes on the main entrance arch

The church’s facade has paired, rounded pilasters, with Corinthian capitals; archetypal, classic finials; Morrish-inspired spires; and a lintel that seems to support a half dome, which almost covers the segmental pediment.

Statued niche on the right

Statued niche on the right

Statued niche on the left

Statued niche on the left

The curved lines of the upper side wall starts from the ends of the lintel.  The semi-circular arched doorway, flanked by statued niches, has decorative, Asian-inspired rosettes following the outline of the arch.

The paired Corinthian pilasters

The paired Corinthian pilasters


Detail of Corinthian capital

Detail of Corinthian capital

The 4-storey bell tower, on the church’s right, has semi-circular arch windows on the square-shaped second and third storeys, and pointed arch windows on the hexagonal-shaped fourth storey.

The 4-storey bell tower

The 4-storey bell tower

The convent, built by Fr. Juan Campos in 1769, was destroyed during the 1948 Lady Caycay earthquake. Fronting the church is a beautifully manicured park while nearby is the new municipal hall as well as old municipal hall (Casa Real).

Side facade

Side facade

The Casa Real, the first municipal building of Guimbal, was also the site of the tribunal and a school.  Recently renovated, it now houses the Hall of Justice (Regional Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Guimbal Municipal Police Station and the Bureau of Fire Protection).

New Guimbal Municipal Hall

New Guimbal Municipal Hall

Old municipal hall (now Hall of Justice)

Old municipal hall (now Hall of Justice)

How to Get There: Guimbal is located 28.48 kms. (a 30 to 35-minute drive) from Iloilo City, 4.8 kms. from Tigbauan and 8 kms. from Miag-ao.

Church of San Joaquin (Iloilo)

During the start of the Antique Heritage and Media Familiarization Tour, we passed by San Joaquin town on our way to Antique, making a short stopover at the town;s Spanish-era cemetery (Campo Santo) and its iconic mortuary chapel (capilla).

San Joaquin Church

San Joaquin Church

Too bad we didn’t make a stopover at its equally iconic, Spanish-era church, a listed National Cultural Treasure.  On our way back to Iloilo International Airport, I specifically requested our driver to make a slight detour to make a stopover there.

Statue of St. Francis of Assisi

Statue of St. Francis of Assisi

Statue of San Pedro Regalado, patron saint of bullfighters

Statue of San Pedro Regalado, patron saint of bullfighters

This church, the country’s most militaristic, was started in 1859 and completed in 1869 by Augustinian Fr. Tomas Santaren (parish priest from 1855-86) using gleaming white coral rock quarried from the shores of Punta Malagting, Brgy. Igcadlum in Igbaras town.

The Augustinian seal on top of the main entrance

The Augustinian seal on top of the main entrance

The church’s simple, three-level, old weathered stone facade has a central arched main entrance flanked by paired columns (which divide the rectangular sections into three segments) and the two statued niches of St. Francis of Assisi and San Pedro Regalado, the patron saint of bullfighters.

The single, tapering bell tower

The single, tapering bell tower

The choir loft level, decorated by two horizontally arranged niches and round central window, is set apart from the two levels by a simple architrave.  Ornamentation can be found in rosettes along the cornice and around the edges of the niches and capitals.

The triangular pediment

The triangular pediment

The church’s central attraction, however, is the fascinating high bas-relief sculpture of intricately carved (even the expression of agony by soldiers are visible) stonework spread on mosaic blocks (each carved and set in place) on its triangular pediment (with the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows on its top), entitled Rendicion de Tetuan. It was added halfway through construction by Fr. Santaren with the assistance of Spanish Engr. Felipe Diez and a Filipino (some say Chinese) carver.

The bas relief

The bas relief

Detail of bas relief

Detail of bas relief

Originally pigmented red, blue and yellow, it depicted the Battle of Tetuan (Morocco, 1859), part of the Spanish-Moroccan War of 1859-1860, in which Spanish troops under Prime Minister  Leopoldo O’Donnell, 1st Duke of Tetuan,  defeated the Moorish troops of Moroccan Crown Prince Muley Abbas and recaptured the Spanish city of Tetuan on February 6, 1860.



Black soot covers many areas of the facade, a result of the January 29, 1943 fire ordered by Col. Macario Peralta to prevent the church from being used by the Japanese. The church was also heavily damaged during the January 25, 1948 Lady Caycay earthquake.

The church's interior

The church’s interior

Spanish infantry and cavalry are shown breaking the Moorish defense against a backdrop of minarets and date palms.  It is a larger than life depiction of the struggle between Christians and the Moros of Mindanao and Sulu.  Inside are three carved limestone retablos.  The sprawling ruins of the convent have an oval well and a kiln for baking bread.

How To Get There: San Joaquin is located 53.5 kms. from Iloilo City and 12.2 kms. from Miag-ao.

San Jose de Buenavista (Antique)

On our way back to Iloilo, we entered the Antique provincial capitol of San Jose de Buenavista to drop off Leah at her residence.  Along the highway, as we were about to enter the town proper, we passed by the ruins of the old San Pedro Church.

San Jose de Buenavista

San Jose de Buenavista

San Pedro Church Ruins

San Pedro Church Ruins

Locally called Lumang Simbahan (“old church”), it was built by Augustinian friars during the Spanish era. This 77 m. long and 14 m. wide, Latin cross-shaped church has 3 gates.  According to legend, the church was burned by the pet monkey  of a priest.  The church  remains unrestored to this day.

Provincial Capitol

Provincial Capitol

Evelio B. Javier Freedom Park

Evelio B. Javier Freedom Park

We soon entered the capitol proper and made a short stopover there.  In front of the Antique Provincial Capitol building is the EBJ Freedom Park, named in honor of the late Gov. Evelio B. Javier who was assassinated on February 11, 1986 by an unknown assassin. A marker here marks the spot of his assassination.

Museo Antiqueno (Old Provincial Capitol Building)

Museo Antiqueno (Old Provincial Capitol Building)

Nearby is the old, American-era Provincial Capitol building, now the Museo Antiqueno.Operated by the Binirayan Foundation, Inc. (BFI) and was inaugurated on April 27, 2007, this museum houses the Lola Masing Center for Culture and Peace, a multimedia resource facility that provides learning and instructional materials and services on culture, gender and peace studies, as well as  the memorabilia of the late governor Evelio B. Javier at the EBJ Gallery.

How to Get There: San Jose de Buenavista is located 97 kms. (a 2.5-hr. drive) from Iloilo City.

Church of St. John Nepomucene (Anini’y, Antique)

From Siraan Hot Spring and Health Resort, we were driven just 1.5 kms. to the town’s poblacion where we made a 15-min. stopover at the town’s Church of St. John  Nepomucene , the only preserved Spanish-era church in the province. The national saint of the Czech Republic, St. John Nepomucene (locally called San Juan Nepomuceno, feast day on May 6), is the first martyr of the seal of confession, the patron saint against calumnies (a.k.a. slander) and a protector against floods.

Church of St. John Nepomucene

Church of St. John Nepomucene

First built around 1845, it was replaced with masonry by Augustinian Fr. Jeronimo Vaquerin in 1878, roofed in 1894 and almost completed in 1898 (except for the large arch near the main altar).  The church was seized by the Aglipayans in 1902 and occupied for 6 years until it was turned over to the Mill Hill Fathers from England.

The Baroque facade

The Baroque facade

The church, damaged during World War II, miraculously survived the January 25, 1948 Lady Caycay earthquake which measured 8.2 on the Richter scale, the second biggest on the country’s earthquake catalog.  The earthquake totally destroyed the old churches of Igbaras, Maasin, Oton and San Miguel, all in Iloilo, It was called caycay due to the numerous fissures that seem like scratches made by chickens on the ground.

Augustinian emblem on facade

Augustinian emblem on facade

However, the church’s roof and back wall were toppled during the powerful 1973 typhoon but it was restored by Mill Hill Fr. William Erinkweld who installed a solid concrete beam to bolt down the heavy steel roofing.  He also covered the steel trusses with G.I. sheet.

The small statue of St. John Nepomucene on the pediment

The small statue of St. John Nepomucene on the pediment

This beautiful and massive, white coral church is 65 m. long, 16 m. wide, 10 m. high and has one main nave and transept.  Its impressive Baroque façade, done in the 19th century Revivalist style, consists of a lower level divided into 3 equal sections by 2 central engaged pilasters (with floral designs and acanthus leaves on the capitals).

Plaque installed by National Historical Commission

Plaque installed by National Historical Commission

The arched main entrance, with the Augustinian emblem on top,is flanked by two statued niches (one of which has no statue) decorated with rosettes.  On top of each niche are rose windows.

The hexagonal bell tower

The hexagonal bell tower

The main entrance has niches on the front and side walls as well as other openings and is embellished by rosettes on the upper edge.  The sharp triangular pediment has a central niche flanked by two rose windows and topped by finials.

The church interior

The church interior

Its 3-storey, 25-m. high, hexagonal bell tower has one arched window on each level and is topped by a rounded dome.

How to Get There: Anini’y is located 40.46 kms. from San Jose de Buenavista and is accessible by jeeps from Hamtik and Tobias Fornier (16.5 kms.).  It is also accessible via the coastal road from Brgy. Tiolas in San Joaquin (Iloilo).

Church of St. Thomas of Villanueva (Miag-ao, Iloilo)

From our assembly point at the the University of the Philippines Visayas, we were driven 36 kms., past the towns of Oton, Tigbauan and Guimbas, to the town of Miag-ao, the first destination in our itinerary, where we made a short stopover at the town’s Church of St. Thomas of Villanueva for some photo ops.

The Church of St. Thomas of Villanueva

The Church of St. Thomas of Villanueva

My visit here completed my wish list, that of visiting all 4 Philippine churches that have received international acclamation by being included in the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) World Heritage List.  The others I’ve already visited are the Church of St. Augustine in Paoay (Ilocos Norte), the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Sta. Maria (Ilocos Sur) and the San Agustin Church in Intramuros (Manila).

The intricately carved facade

The intricately carved facade

The town’s unique and magnificent, fortress-like church is the third church edifice constructed since the foundation of the parish in 1731.  The first church, built near the Tumagbok River in Ubos around 1734, was burned and looted by Moro raiders in 1741.  The second, built by Fr. Fernando Camporredendo from 1744 to 1750, was burned by pirates who looted the town on May 1754.  To prevent a repetition, the present church was built on a hill (called Tacas) with a commanding view of the Miagao River (where the raiders usually come from).

Facade detail

Facade detail

Started in 1786 by Augustinian Fr. Francisco Maximo Gonzales, its huge stones were quarried from Sitio Tubo (San Joaquin) and Igbaras and were supervised by maestro de obras from Igbaras.  The church was completed in 1797.

A statue niche

A statue niche

Another statue niche

Another statue niche

The church was partially restored by Fr. Agustin Escudero in 1864 and its interior was decorated by Fr.Jose Sacristan in 1880.  It was damaged at different times by fire during the revolution in 1898, the Philippine-American War and again in 1910.  After the powerful January 5, 1948 earthquake, it was immediately restored by Monsigñor Wenceslao Enojo and again from 1959 to 1962 by Monsigñor Leonardo Javillo and the National Historic Institute under Chairman Esteban A. Ocampo.

A row of flying buttresses

A row of flying buttresses

A historical marker was installed by the National Historical Commission, under Director Luis Montilla, on February 16, 1963 to underscore its historical and artistic value.  The church was declared a National Landmark on August 1, 1973 by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 260 and in 1994, was listed by the UNESCO as one of the world’s cultural heritage sites.

Plaque (Philippine Historical Committee)

Plaque (Philippine Historical Committee)

This church is one of the finest examples of peripheral Baroque architecture in the country and its facade blends various architectural tendencies into one local religious art style.   Its superbly-carved, high relief stone facade, embellished with naif folk motifs, features the giant St. Christopher dressed Filipino-farmer style with his pants rolled up, carrying the Infant Jesus on his shoulders across an invisible river, amidst large coconut palms and fruit-laden papaya and guava trees which symbolize fertility.

The left bell tower

The left bell tower

The right bell tower

The right bell tower

All these are reminiscent of Aztec art. Its massive, 4-m. thick walls made of honey-colored sandstone have heavy, round buttresses built to withstand earthquakes and Moro pirate raids.  The first and second levels and the integrated triangular pediment (with two oblong windows at its base) are separated by decorative balusters and the heavily drawn frieze.  The simple semicircular arched main entrance is flanked by columns and statued niches and crowned by a huge stylized acanthus and a very ornately designed statued niche.

The church interior

The church interior

The church is flanked by two massive, gradually tapering and medieval castle-like square bell towers.  Its corners are strengthened by 3/4 circular buttresses.  Both are dissimilar in height because of design changes.  One has a high pointed roof while the other has a low-pitched roof.  One has four levels and the other, three.  The left tower’s extra storey was added in 1839 by Fr. Francisco Perez (parish priest from 1827 to 1864).  The church’s simple interior is highlighted by a striking gold-plated retablo.

How To Get There: Miagao is located 40.04 kms. from Iloilo City, 12.2 kms. from San Joaquin and 8 kms. from Guimbal.

A Tour of Valenzuela City

After the video documentary presentation on the life of Dr. Pio Valenzuela, I requested museum curator Mr. Jonathan C. Balsamo for a tour of the city’s historical sites using their open pickup.  Sandy, Mark, Ronnie and Violeta  joined us.  Jandy and Violeta stayed inside the pickup’s airconditioned cabin while Mark, Sandy, Jonathan, Ronnie and I rode on the open cargo area as we traversed the city’s very narrow streets exposed to the hot, late morning sun.

Arkong Bato

Our first stopover was at Arkong Bato (Spanish for “stone arch”), along the only road that links MacArthur Highway with the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX).  This arch was built in 1910 along the old national road passing through the old town of Polo before the construction of MacArthur Highway.  It formerly marked the boundary of Rizal (where Malabon formerly belonged) and Bulacan (where Polo formerly belonged).  Today, it marks the boundary between Brgy. Santulan (Malabon City) and Brgy. Arkong Bato (Valenzuela City).

San Gabriel House
The former Valenzuela City Emergency Hospital

We next proceeded to the old town proper and made a stopover at Liwasang Rizal, the old town plaza with its own simplified replica of the Rizal Monument (its base somewhat shorter because the plaza’s grounds were elevated through the years).  Surrounding it are the old town hall (now home to the former Valenzuela City Emergency Hospital), the San Diego De Alcala Church and the old but still wonderfully preserved, 2-storey San Gabriel house (now home to Aida Carinderia).  The latter has capiz sliding windows, intricate woodwork and double roofs typical of houses built during the Spanish and American eras.  This house should be added to the list of the city’s tourist attractions.

Church of San Diego Alcala Ruins

Beside the church are the ruins of the oldest church in Valenzuela, built by Fr. Juan Taranco and Don Juan Monsod and later expanded and completed by Fr. Jose Valencia, aided by Capt. Juan Tibay, in 1632.  In 1852, the church was fully repaired and remodelled by Fr. Vicente but was razed to the ground during World War II.  Only the octagonal bell tower and the arched main entrance have been preserved.

Gabaldon-style building of Pio Valenzuela Elementary School

From the church, we also walked to the nearby American-era, Gabaldon (named after Assemblyman Isauro Gabaldon of Nueva Ecija, author of Act No. 1801, better known as the Gabaldon Act)-style schoolhouse of Pio Valenzuela Elementary School, one of a number of heritage schoolhouses, built in the Philippines between 1907 and 1946, that follow standard plans designed by American Arch. William Parsons.

Church of San Roque

Back to our pickup, we next proceeded to the San Roque Church which dates to 1763.  The church facade has a semicircular arched main entrance flanked by statue niches and twin bell towers with pyramidal roofs.  The wall above the triangular pediment as well as the wings on the sides of the church are probably modern additions.  Our last destination in our city tour was the 2-storey Pio Valenzuela House.  The original house was, together with its antique furniture, razed during World War II.

Dr. Pio Valezuela House

The marker in front of the house erroneously identifies it as the birthplace of Dr. Pio.  He was actually born in Brgy. Tagalag, its actual location already unknown even to his relatives.  This house was where Dr. Pio lived and died.  Only a caretaker lives here.  The grounds of the house were partly flooded, a result of it being situated on one of the lowest parts of the city.  Valenzuela City is located on swampy land crisscrossed by rivers.

Historical Marker

Arkong Bato: Brgy. Arkong Bato
San Roque Church: Brgy. Mabolo
Pio Valenzuela House: Velilla St., Brgy. Pariancillo Villa

Pulilan Town Proper (Bulacan)

From Pulilan Butterfly Haven and Resort, Jandy and I made our way back to Manila via NLEX which we plan to enter via the Pulilan Exit. Along the way, we passed through the center of Pulilan town and made a short stopover there for merienda, parking our Toyota Revo at the plaza in front of the town’s Diocesan Shrine of St. Isidore the Farmer (San Isidro Labrador).  The church was closed during our visit and I could only admire it from outside.

Check out “Pulilan Butterfly Haven and Resort

Church of St. Isidore the Farmer

During the Carabao Festival (May 15, Feast of San Isidro Labrador), the  church is the site where carabaos (water buffalos) are made to kneel or genuflect with its two front legs as a sign of reverence to the patron saint. Like the Church of St. Augustine from the nearby town of Baliuag, the church is also known for featuring one of the longest Holy Week processions with at least 110 floats.

Check out “Diocesan Shrine of St. Isidore the Farmer

Pulilan Municipal Hall
Museo de Pulilan

From the plaza, we walked, along a side street, to the municipal hall where we had some burgers and soft drinks at a nearby refreshment stand.  Across the municipal hall is the Municipal Trial Court Bldg. which also houses the Museo de Pulilan.

Aguirre Ancestral House, home of Pulilan Butterfly Haven and Resort

From the town proper, the back of Aguirre Ancestral House (home of the aforementioned Pulilan Butterfly Haven and Resort) can be seen.  After merienda,we retraced our steps back to the car and proceeded on our way back to Manila.